Monday, March 2, 2009

You don't know me, but I'm a drunk... or FBUI

I could blog forever about Facebook and all the people I knew in high school and college who suddenly have an interest in me and knowing all about me.  Confession-time:  at the beginning I was excited to get all these requests from people who wouldn't have been caught dead speaking to me in high school and now wanted to be my friend.  

I accepted every last one that came in...  ...not so much these days...  

Not only do I not accept friend requests from just about anyone, but I asked around and found out how to "unfriend" some of these people...  such a relief!

For the sake of my high school friends from almost 30 years ago I have posted some old pictures and have even changed my profile picture to a photo of me when I was 14 (you know the age when your face hasn't grown quite as quickly as your nose.)

So, Saturday night, Cricket and I had a birthday party for a friend of ours (stay with me).  It was a small gathering to which I had invited Wolf, but he had other plans, he instead went to a party at Taylor's... 

On Sunday I received a Facebook Friend request from "Cindy ___".  Alas, I thought, another Facebook request from someone with a name I do not recognize.  

                ...there was a message attached...

Cindy says, "I apologize for my behavior last night. I drink but don't usually get that out of control. I'm embarassed and sorry..... I didn't eat anything and that happens if I don't eat! Sorry again and thanks for everything.".

So, I'm puzzled.  I'm sure there was no Cindy at my party - I hosted only 7 people; a drunken guest whom I didn't invite would have been (let's just say) conspicuous.  


This takes me from email into Facebook where I can see who she actually is, but I still have no clue.  Face is not familiar, but I see that she is relatively local ...and then I see that we have a mutual friend...    Taylor...

Now, I'm really curious.  Was my mysterious-overserved-wannabe-friend at Taylor's party on Saturday night?  Some sort of Six Degrees of Cosmopolitan?  I had to know...

...and sure enough, Wolf confirmed it...

...there was a Cindy at Taylor's party...
...Cindy did have way too much to drink...
...Cindy was (a tad) out of control...

So was she still drinking when she sat down at her computer and sent a friend request to someone she didn't know?
Did she think that the message of "I know I was drunk and inappropriate, but let's be friends"  would go over well with me?
Did she send an apology/friend request to everyone of Taylor's 458 friends hoping to cover her bases?
Was there another 14 year old at the party whose face, in her stupor, she confused with mine?
Is this 14 year old whom Cindy is "thanking for everything" now really "more than a friend"?

I've decided to accept her friend request.  You know in ten years we'll be somewhere and someone will ask, "How did you two meet?" and I'll be able to say,

"Cindy got drunk at a party that I wasn't at and asked if she could be my friend."

When you get as much pleasure as I get out of teasing your friends an opportunity like this is too good to pass up.



Little Ms Blogger said...

That is too funny. It is actually a better story than how we met.

Anonymous said...

Great story! And the line "Six degrees of cosmopolitan" is sheer genius!

I think you're right. In ten years you will have a great "how we met" story. You just can't make that kind of stuff up!

Clay Doodles said...

That is hilarious!