Thursday, March 12, 2009

Spring... You can quote me...

Well, it's been a wet and warmer week weather-wise and I'm happy to report that many of the daffodils are poking through the soil.  The prospect of getting outside and starting to work in the garden excites me, but I'm always a little leery of uncovering stuff until I know it's going to stay warm.  Some of the fierce wind we had this winter has made the yard look as though I never raked at all; I have neighbors to thank for this, the ones that actually never did rake at all...

I've learned some life lessons working in the garden and, as it is Three for Thursday, I'm going to list three for you...

Tulips bloom because the winter has been cold...

Leaves don't fall from trees simply because the leaf is dead, but to make room for a new leaf grow...

Not everything you plant in your garden will grow, and not everything that grows in your garden is something that you planted...



Little Ms Blogger said...

Sometimes it is things which I didn't plan for that bring me the biggest smile.

Clay Doodles said...

I agree with LMB, I love the flowers that sprung up uninvited...I call them volunteers.